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Sep 30 2024 09:54

286.00 SEK-2.00

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Sep 30 2024 09:54

286.00 SEK-2.00

Acquisitions & divestments

Acquisitions are an important part of Lindab's strategy. We shall acquire well managed, successful companies that complement our offering in selected regions and product areas. The acquired companies continue to operate independently under their own brands, while, at the same time, benefiting from Lindab’s sales network and central resources at their chosen pace.

The tables below show acquisitions and divestments starting at year 2020.



Name Type of company Country Sales, SEK m Profitability cf. Lindab Acquired year More information
TGA KlimaPartner Sales/Distribution Germany 50 Lower 2024

Press release

Airmaster Products/Distribution Denmark 542 Higher 2024

Press release

Vicon Manufacturing machines USA 260 Comparable   2024

Press release

HAS-Vent Products/Distribution United Kingdom 280 Higher 2023

Press release

Firmac Manufacturing machines United Kingdom 40  Comparable  2023

Press release

Ventilace EU Products/Distribution Czech Republic 42 Lower 2023

Closing in June
Press release

Irish Ventilation & Filtration Products/Distribution Ireland 100 Higher 2023 Press release
Raab Lüftungstechnik Products/Distribution Germany 160 Comparable 2023 Press release
Liftasud Products/Distribution France 250 Lower 2022

Press release

DiSYS Technologies Products/Technology United Kingdom 18 Higher 2022

Press release

Girovent Products/Distribution Sweden 55 Higher 2022

Press release

R-Vent Products/Distribution  Netherlands 500 Comparable 2022

Press release

Muncholm Distribution Denmark 250 Comparable 2022

Press release

Felderer Distribution Germany 700 Lower 2022

Press release

Nord Trade Distribution Sweden 20 Lower 2022 Press release
Alig Ventilation Distribution Sweden 65 Higher 2021/2022 Press release
Profilplåt Products/Distribution Sweden 70 Higher 2021 Press release
Klimatek Products Denmark 30 Lower 2021 Press release
Tecnovent Products/Distribution Switzerland 20 Lower 2021 Press release


Products/Distribution Sweden 100 Higher 2021 Press release

H.A. Helgesen

Products/Distribution Norway 15 Higher 2021 Press release
Aer Faber Distribution Norway 53 Higher 2020 Press release
Crenna Products/Distribution Sweden 118 Comparable 2020 Press release
Ekovent Products/Technology Sweden 127 Comparable 2020 Press release
Thor Duct Products/Technology Ireland 15 Higher 2020 Press release
Leapcraft (part-owned) Technology Denmark - - 2020 Press release


Lindab Russia Subsidiary Russia 50 Lower 2022 Press release
Business Area Building Systems (Astron)  Customized steel buildings Several countries, with a majority in Eastern Europe 946 Lower 2021 Press release
IMP Klima Air handling unit Slovenia 269 Lower 2020 Press release
Name Type of company Country Sales, SEK m Profitability cf. Lindab Divested year More information