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Sep 30 2024 09:54

286.00 SEK-2.00

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Sep 30 2024 09:54

286.00 SEK-2.00


Lindab’s auditor, elected by the Annual General Meeting, examines the company’s Annual Report and accounting, as well as the administration of the company by the Board of Directors and the CEO. The auditor works on the basis of an audit plan and reports his observations to Executive Management on an ongoing basis over the year, and at least once a year to the Board of Directors. The auditor also attends the Annual General Meeting to present the Auditors’ Report and describe the audit process and the observations made.

Lindab´s auditors

The 2021 Annual General Meeting elected auditing company Deloitte AB as the company’s auditor. Authorised Public Accountant Harald Jagner was appointed as the lead auditor. Although Harald Jagner also performs assignments for other listed companies, this is not to an extent that would prevent the necessary amount of time from being devoted to Lindab.

Auditing company Deloitte AB does not accept assignments where their independence could be called into question. Nor do the auditors’ other assignments for Lindab, beyond the audit assignment, alter this assessment.

Remuneration of the Auditors
Audit fees paid to Deloitte for 2022 amounted to SEK 0.5 m for the Parent Company and SEK 8.1 m for the Group. Fees paid to Deloitte AB for other assignments for the Group amounted to SEK 0.6 m.